Bringing it Home

bringing it home new

A family with an autistic child and high environmental sensitivities explores Hempcrete to clean up toxins in their home and its worldwide uses.

The Shift Network

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To serve the personal transformational needs of as many individuals as possible, helping them expand the aperture of their personal arc of development over

Calm City

Calm City Mobile Van

A converted RV mobile meditation truck parks at a New York curbside. Step inside for a 10-minute guided meditation session to alleviate stress.

Water 1st Int’l

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Implements effective, long-lasting water and sanitation projects to bring clean water and toilets to the world’s poorest people. Water projects that would last!

MPOWERD Solar Lights

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Clean, affordable light, making the world a brighter place for the three billion people who still live without reliable access to electricity.

Garden Pools

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Dennis McClung’s rundown empty swimming pool became a self-sustaining food garden for his family. He now travels worldwide teaching others his planting


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A creative writing and mentoring organization that promotes creativity, critical thinking, and leadership skills to empower teen girls. They write in response to “calls” within themselves.

Peace House

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After 37 years, Peace House continues to promote nonviolent conflict resolution, socio-economic justice, protection of our natural resources, and the inherent
dignity of all people.

Norway Eco Prison

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Welcome to Bastoy Prison, the world’s first self-sufficient eco prison! Located on an island in Norway, inmates live in unlocked houses.

The Mauimama

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A conscious resource guide advocating for mothers and mothers-to-be to possibly offer their child a better start. Empowering mothers, done consciously, can change the world.