Water 1st Int’l

Implements effective, long-lasting water and sanitation projects to bring clean water and toilets to the world’s poorest people. Water projects that would last!
MPOWERD Solar Lights

Clean, affordable light, making the world a brighter place for the three billion people who still live without reliable access to electricity.
Garden Pools

Dennis McClung’s rundown empty swimming pool became a self-sustaining food garden for his family. He now travels worldwide teaching others his planting

A creative writing and mentoring organization that promotes creativity, critical thinking, and leadership skills to empower teen girls. They write in response to “calls” within themselves.
Peace House

After 37 years, Peace House continues to promote nonviolent conflict resolution, socio-economic justice, protection of our natural resources, and the inherent
dignity of all people.
Norway Eco Prison

Welcome to Bastoy Prison, the world’s first self-sufficient eco prison! Located on an island in Norway, inmates live in unlocked houses.
The Mauimama

A conscious resource guide advocating for mothers and mothers-to-be to possibly offer their child a better start. Empowering mothers, done consciously, can change the world.