Somewhere to Call Home

Tiny house

Our intent: create safe, permanent, affordable housing for those experiencing homelessness, by creating tiny home communities. We believe everyone deserves the dignity of having a home.ljf lasjfljfijwioruweioruiow roiwuriouqwioruqwioruio weroiwuroiwuriowuroiuwroiu wroiuwriouwroiurio uwroiuwoiruwqioruwoiruoiwqruioqwuroiuwoiruoi


Angela s Graphics

A Visual Kickstart For Your Day! Quotes with lively & unique images delivered each day to your email inbox.

Water 1st Int’l

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Implements effective, long-lasting water and sanitation projects to bring clean water and toilets to the world’s poorest people. Water projects that would last!

Peace House

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After 37 years, Peace House continues to promote nonviolent conflict resolution, socio-economic justice, protection of our natural resources, and the inherent
dignity of all people.