World Piece of Pie

piece of pie

A sweet treat and life feels better, according to Beth Howard, who saw pies as WORLD PIECE and embarked on her: A Global Pie-Making Mission.

Dr. Jean Houston

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World-renowned evocative, interdisciplinary speaker and teacher inspires, informs, and activates inherent possibilities, visions, and capacities that lie within each of us.

I Declare World Peace

I Declare World Peace

Rita and Lawrence Gelber created the power-of-intention “I Declare World Peace” art project in order to raise global peace consciousness”.

Sacred Theatre

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Peggy Rubin’s Sacred Theatre invites you to fulfill a sacred task, which is to claim your rightful place as the star in your own life.


Angela s Graphics

A Visual Kickstart For Your Day! Quotes with lively & unique images delivered each day to your email inbox.


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Harness the life-changing energy of the Dromenon. Use its long-revered pattern to slow down and open your heart and mind. Connect with others “walking” virtually

The Shift Network

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To serve the personal transformational needs of as many individuals as possible, helping them expand the aperture of their personal arc of development over


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A creative writing and mentoring organization that promotes creativity, critical thinking, and leadership skills to empower teen girls. They write in response to “calls” within themselves.